Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's been a while...

... and many things have happened. I had plans to go NY for a reunion but unfortunately a close personal friend of mine passed away and I had to cancel my trip. I have a lot of stress in my life right now and this was an unwelcome addition. I am also in the process of selling my house and moving. Hopefully when this occurs, my life will simplify a little and I can devote the time I want to here. Not that anybody is really paying attention (yet...???) but someday...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Just a quick note

I am sorry that I have not been able to keep up with this, but my life has been pretty hectic lately. Hopefully I will clear things up in the next few weeks and I will be able to maintain this on a much more frequent basis (not that anybody really cares yet...) I hope to join in this community sometime in the future, though.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Things to Come..

Sadly, I have become very cynical and negative regarding the future of America. We are definitely losing our edge in education, technology, etc. to other nations of the world. I attribute this to a number of issues which I plan to discuss in the future:

  • Corporate Greed

  • Advertising

  • Insurance

  • Cockiness

  • The rich get richer and the middle class gets

  • Computer Hackers

  • etc.

I have experienced most of this firsthand and will produce examples from real life. This upsets me because we were at one time the premier nation on the planet but recently have become complacent and, although I will probably not live to see it, we are in the future definitely going to pay for it. It is truly very sad...

Thursday, August 25, 2005


This is the first entry in my new blog. I have worked on numerous websites, but this is my first venture into the world of web logging. I have a number of ideas and opinions that I hope to include here. I have my own website,, that points to a number of other blogs and websites I own and maintain. this is all in the "formative" stages, but I hope to begin adding content soon. Let's see how this goes...